Invest together,
grow together.

An exclusive membership club of like-valued people

Meet others, grow, and have fun through the shared activity of collectively investing in innovative, early stage, B2B software startups.

A seed-stage investment fund run by members.

Everyone contributes money to and collectively votes to pick startup investments. Returns are shared amongst members.

Our Values

We’re all in it together. 

You have a say in how things run and what the fund invests into. 


Relationships are built through collaboration. We are building a collective portfolio that bonds us together.


We share in the learning experiences of the investment journey.  We’ll practice our due diligence skills together. 


All members’ opinions and ideas are welcome. All members are entitled to vote, and returns are shared equality. 

Integrity & Respect

A clear, transparent process that is simple and respectful.

Members pool funds annually, and invest.

Annual investments are contributed into a pooled fund.

Funds are deployed to ~12 startups throughout the year. 

Investment decisions are made through the member voting process, within at most a 30-day decision timeline. 

The process is clear, transparent, simple and respectful. 

New Members

Our ideal member is curious, respectful, has the utmost integrity, and meets the SEC accredited investor requirements.

Interested in Joining?

To mindfully grow our community, membership to The Bond is invite-only. Checkout our membership overview. Contact one of our founding members on LinkedIn to get an invitation code to learn more.

Or keep in touch: sign up to receive emails about our events.

We wanted a new way for angel investors to invest together, grow together.

Read about Our Journey to create The Bond.

Apply for Funding

We dearly respect founders, and their time. No endless meetings. We make a YES or NO decision quickly, within two weeks of presenting.

Innovative B2B software companies raising a seed round are of interest to us.

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